Cairns Holiday Day 4 - 24th May 2005

I was up about 7 and after breakfast headed into the Gorge. First stop was the Moss Garden. It was very pretty and quiet. A huge fig had swamped a boulder at the start of the steps into the gorge creating a primitive feel to the place. I continued up Hell Hole Gorge for a short distance then looked around unsuccessfully for a reported Geocache. There were much more interesting things to see so gave up quickly.

The Amphitheatre was closed due to a rock slide which had damaged the access ladder. I left Wards Canyon for the return journey, and visited the Art Gallery. Here there was lots of aboriginal art in good condition, with informative signs to explain the significance as well as how the art was produced.
I next visited Cathedral Cave, which was also spectacularly adorned with aboriginal art.

Further on I explored Boowinda Gorge, which was beautiful with sweeping bends carved out of the basalt by the currently dry creek.
I looked around for the start of the track to Battleship Spur, but couldn't find it. I'd left the instruction guide at the tent as well. Given how my legs felt at the end of this walk, it was just as well I missed the climb, even though the views were meant to be magnificent. Something to do when I return here again one day.

I reached the end of the canyon walk at Big Bend and relaxed by the rock pool underneath a sweeping arc of canyon sandstone. This is a picture perfect spot.
Dropped into Wards Canyon on the way back. A steep stair climb past the waterfall and I arrived in the cool canyon, surrounded by the ancient and rare King Ferns.

Back at the campground, I did a quick tour around, finding where the under 60's were all staying, at the other end of the camp. Sat down at the Platypus Pool for a couple hours, where I was visited by Kookaburras, Willie Wagtails, Honeyeaters, an Azure Kingfisher, Currawongs, a kangaroo, turtles, frogs, a cricket, cockatoos and parrots; but no platypus.
I chatted with some guys at the meal area: I'd passed them a number of times on the walk today. The meals area is great with BBQs, sinks complete with dishwashing detergent and towels. It also had an urn for boiling water on tap. I enjoyed a nice chrysanthemum tea with my Satay Me Goreng tonight. On to Dalrymple Park tomorrow.