Latrobe River - 1st April 2007
Participants: Michelle and Mark

This was a weekend away without kids, how relaxing! We'd come down this way for a day trip the weekend earlier, checking out a few tracks looking for more campsites but hadn't found one better that my favourite in this area.
We stopped in Noojee on the way down for a very tasty lunch at the Red Parrot. The last time I was there I had the smoked salmon, so this time I went for the Seafood Basket. Very nice. Michelle tried another of the gourmet pies. Beautiful! We'd eaten so much for lunch that we skipped dinner, going straight to dessert of fresh fruit and yoghurt.
The chef reckoned my T-Van camper trailer looked like a garbage compacter!

Up early in the morning for a try at fishing and I caught a brown trout on my first cast! Not a bad size, just a bit too small to keep.

We relaxed around the campsite, and I did a bit more fishing, I was catching trout on nearly every cast! All too small of course.

After lunch we packed up for a little more exploring around. We found another really nice campsite down another 4WD track. This one was a bit smaller, though the river was quite wide and deep here. I'll need to come back here and throw in a line and see what I can catch.