Geocaching Trips: June/July 2008
Participants: Mark, Michelle, James, Liam, Sarah, Rachael
Healesville, Donnelley's Weir and Maroondah Dam: 29th June

A quiet little favourite is Donnelly's Weir, start of the National Trail

We found our first cache without too much trouble, though we did go a little too far up the road and had to backtrack.

Liam did the honours of rehiding the cache.

Very relaxing.

Off to Maroondah Dam for the next cache.

It was a steep climb, rewarded with the cache find and views across the reservoir. We spent some time in the gardens below the dam wall, then headed into Healesville for ice cream, cakes and coffee before it was finally home time.
Dandenongs: 5th July

Sherbrooke is favourite spot in the Dandenongs; a great place for a BBQ amongst the rosellas. There was a group of young people, recently from Africa visiting and we shared some seed with them. They were delighted that the birds were so tame and would sit on your hands, heads and shoulders to feed.
After our BBQ we headed off to our first cache, right beside the picnic area.

Along the walk to the falls, and our next cache we couldn't help but cram into a hollow tree. There was still room for maybe one more!

We walked across the bridge over the falls, and were unable to locate the next cache. Still it was a nice walk and a great place to visit.
Warrigul: 6th July

It was time to take the girls back home. We visited Trafalgar, picked up a cache and visited the various shops and cafes. After coffee and cakes we sought out our next cache.

Gippsland was known for it's tall trees, at least before most of them were cleared for farming. This cache was a quick and easy find

Our last cache for the day was very novel, and required twilight, or even the darkness of night to find. Strategically placed reflectors led the path to the cache.