Grampians Camping - 5th and 6th October 2002
Oiyee, Brittany & Aaron
Mark, Michelle James & Liam
Saturday, 6th October 2002
We all met at Deer Park early Saturday morning and proceeded along the Western Highway. We stopped shortly at the Mobil for breakfast and eventually got on our way again. Through Ballarat, and on to Ararat, where we stopped for some last minute supplies. The weather started improving as we made our way closer to Halls Gap, which prompted Mark into a very joyful rendition of "I Want to See the Sunshine after the Rain", with Stephanie providing backup vocals.

We originally planned to camp at Rosea Camp Ground, but being the last weekend of the school holidays it was packed, so we decided to camp at Borough Huts Camp Ground instead. This was a very nice camp ground with large open grassed areas with Mt Rosea in the background.

After setting up all of the tents, we explored along the river, and then came back to camp for a game of boule.
Dinner was a magnificent feast of calamari in a coconut milk for entrees, followed by seafood paella and camp oven cooked roast chicken. Needless to say we were too stuffed to even think about dessert!
Sunday, 7th October 2002

Adriana cooked as a very tasty bacon and egg breakfast, with some pretty top notch gourmet bacon. We packed up camp and thought about what we wanted to do with the rest of the day. We had originally planned to walk to the top of Mt Rosea, but that seemed too ambitious, especially with young children so instead we did the usual walk through the Grand Canyon up to the Pinnacle, which was certainly hard enough!

We had a late lunch back at the carpark where Mark l and Steph practised their karate moves, then started out on our long journey back home.